About MIE

Modern Institute for Education (MIE), a research and training unit was established by The Modern School Society (www.modernschoolsociety.in) on its centenary celebrations in October 2020.

It aims to function as a repository of knowledge, research, and best global practices in education, focusing on addressing contemporary issues through capacity-building programmes, research initiatives, and community engagements.

MIE recognizes the critical role that foundational literacy and language skills play in shaping students' academic trajectories, which in turn are strengthened by better pedagogical practices that empower teachers to deliver more effective, engaging, and impactful instruction in classrooms.

MIE's mission is to support and enable educators to provide high-quality education that aligns with Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) i.e. "Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all."

MIE is dedicated to
  • - Promoting educational excellence by conducting cutting-edge research on critical issues related to school education
  • - Empowering educators by providing comprehensive training and upskilling programs
  • - Fostering a dynamic and inclusive network that connects educators worldwide, promoting the exchange of ideas, resources, and experiences.
  • - Engaging the education community through events, workshops, and forums that encourage meaningful dialogue, collaboration, and the sharing of insights.
Focus Areas of MIE


To undertake research in order to develop innovative content, systems & educations practices

  • Promote individual & collaborative research
  • Design innovative content & practices for school education
  • Develop & validate new methodologies for enhancing learning outcomes


  • Provide cutting-edge training and upskilling programmes to meet the changing needs of future of pedagogy
  • Prepare schools and educators for meet the standards of quality education
  • Provide upskilling opportunities to educators for new teaching techniques and new educational research
  • Nurture leadership-forming behaviour
  • Promote basic human values and enhance the emotional quotient


  • Constant communication and networking among educators for sharing information, discuss and resolve prevalent concerns
  • Connect educators from all over the world to exchange information and expertise
  • Discuss to resolve prevalent concerns and challenges in the education



To be the premier institute for providing research, training and professional development to the global learning community.


  • Promoting Educational Excellence by conducting cutting-edge research
  • Empowering Educators by providing comprehensive training and upskilling programs
  • Fostering a dynamic and inclusive network that connects educators worldwide, facilitating the exchange of ideas, resources, and experiences
  • Engaging the Education Community through events, workshops, and forums that facilitate meaningful dialogue, collaboration, and the sharing of insights

‘नायमात्मा बलहीनेन लभ्य:’
“Self-realization cannot be achieved by the weak-willed”

Sportability Seminar
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