“Self-realization cannot be achieved by the weak willed”
The Modern School, Delhi Society was established by Lala Raghubir Singh a century ago, to respond to the needs of India which was rapidly moving towards Independence. His father, Rai Bahadur Sultan Singh, an enlightened and widely respected social figure, was well-travelled and had close friends among other communities.
The atmosphere in which Lala Raghubir Singh was raised was a blend of traditional Indian values and modern European education. The greatest educationist however was his father, who at every occasion encouraged his son to think about issues concerning women’s education, the independence of India and the role of enlightened Indians in the future of the country. It was in this environment that young Raghubir decided to start an educational institution on large and liberal lines, with immense scope for development of physical, mental and spiritual faculties, that would prepare Indians to discharge their responsibilities in both the civil and military spheres of national life and fulfill the objective of providing leaders for a yet to be born nation.
Lala Raghubir Singh
Designed by Sarada Ukil, an artist of great repute, and a teacher of Modern School in the 1920s, the school crest signifies the circle of eternity with the sun shining and the triangle represents the body, mind and spirit. Inside the triangle there is a banyan tree, the swan and the lotus which represent stability, beauty, refinement and culture.
In the past century, Modern School has helped shape India through its Independence Movement and has played a role in its transition to a Modern Nation, while remaining rooted in its values.
The Modern Legacy continues to serve as the foundation for our schools to create leaders.